One of the greatest rewards…

For me one of the greatest rewards is helping others along the way, the way of life, faith, career and more. Following is Fred Hartsook’s story of how I was able to support him over the long haul. Let  me know if you’d like to connect and explore ways I could support you on your journey.

For the last decade, Jim Schmotzer has been many things to me. He has been a spiritual leader, a mentor, a cheerleader, and a friend. Jim’s loyal guidance and support as I worked through a very difficult and confusing decade of young adulthood have proved invaluable.


When I met Jim, I was a freshman in college. I spent the next few years floundering wildly as I took my first steps toward adulthood, and as Jim witnessed my challenges; he entered my life with great care. He would disarm me by approaching me without judgment, and his gifts in perception allowed him to speak deeply in to my life. Jim provided an anchor of support and respect that I desperately needed.


In the years following, Jim continued to faithfully encourage me as I explored various career paths, always making himself available to me to provide personal insight and big-picture commentary. As I transitioned in to a career path of full-time ministry, Jim celebrated my calling with me and shared priceless wisdom from his decades of experience. His affirmation of my pursuit of my current ministry position gave me the confidence I needed to pursue it fully.


I am deeply blessed and grateful to have Jim in my life. While he has had profound influence in my personal life, being exposed to his gifting in organizational health has also informed my work in ministry leadership on every meaningful level. Jim’s thumbprint can be found, in some form, in all the areas in which I’ve been fortunate enough to serve and lead.


I enthusiastically encourage any individual to seek Jim’s guidance through any season of life.


Fred Hartsook, Middle School Director, CTK Bellingham, WA