Change needs support

I love supporting others in life growth, change, goal clarification, decision-making and transitions. Here is a brief story from Breeze Potts related to our work together:

I am a counselor. I haven’t always been a counselor. At one point in my life, I was a college dropout with no clear direction or plan. This is when I met Jim.

I am a counselor in part because of Jim’s encouragement and investment in my life. He helped me uncover who I am and discover where I was headed. This included walking alongside me and helping me discover my gifts, passions and work style…Jim’s dedication to helping me become more “fully myself” nurtured me to be able to more honestly evaluate who I have been and who I am becoming…

Jim’s support, friendship and leadership have been a significant part of my self-discovery process.  I know I am not the only one who has been impacted by his leadership. I continue to discover new things about myself but it is no longer terrifying. I am grateful for new insight and for Jim’s encouragement to open myself up to exploration and possibility…

This is one of the things I love most about being a counselor. I get to invite others into a similar place and process. I am now a counselor and an advocate for self-discovery.

Breeze Potts, Bellingham, WA

If you are ready to take action and make changes, or to risk exploring the possibilities, I’m ready to help. The details: 1) We can arrange face to face meetings in the greater Puget Sound area (I live in Bellingham and meet monthly with people in the Seattle area), and 2) I can, and have, done Skype and/or phone meetings with people across the country and internationally. Let’s connect!


Life and Leadership implications of World Cup fever

I’m watching the game. You’re probably watching the game. I’m all in for USA. You probably are as well. Much has been written about the growth of soccer in America, how it is a youth movement and evidence of the globalization of the USA. I agree on both counts.

The growth in popularity of soccer can teach us that things are truly different. No longer will it be about juggling, tweaking or improving old American ways. It is now about doing new things in new ways. It is about substantive change. It is about transformation.

Through coaching, mentoring and organizational leadership consulting I can help you break old habits and grow into new ways of living, being and working. Contact me and we can start working together to get moving forward in new ways. Oh, and, Go USA!

The truth, the bold truth

What do I offer as a Life Coach? I can help you. I can help you in direct, life changing ways. I can help you:

  • get unstuck
  • find yourself
  • make peace with yourself
  • be yourself
  • face your fears
  • make a decision, own it and follow-through
  • face your fears
  • discover a next step
  • take the next step
  • change
  • become
  • live
  • understand where you have come from to guide where you are going
  • find freedom from being controlled by others expectations
  • set realistic, but forward directed goals
  • discover the difference between what your are “supposed” to believe and what you actually believe
  • become more secure in being you,and more open to the risks of being you

The reason I can say this is that it is what others have told me. It is why they sought my help and returned for it again. Check out these comments from people I have worked with:

I love helping others become more themselves and live forward with hope and purpose. I’m open for the meetings if you’re open for the change. Let’s connect and make something happen.

