Real help for real (campus) ministers

Last week I was in Chicago meeting with the UKirk ( Fundraising Resource Team. Our goal is to develop systems to help campus ministers and ministries meet ever present financial needs. Situations and systems are rapidly changing often resulting in new, and at times overwhelming, pressure on those working to minister to students on a daily basis. The team members have real experience in campus ministries and thereby consider the work a coming alongside to help.

Look for updates and practical help in the coming months.

Here are the UKirk Fundraising Resource Team members I am privileged to be working with:

  • Mark Elsdon Campus Co-Pastor/Executive Director, Pres House, Madison Wisconsin
  • Stead Halstead, former campus minister and current MBA student, Eugene Oregon
  • Adrian McMullen Associate for Collegiate Ministries at the General Assembly offices; Louisville, Kentucky
  • Diana Malcom Associate in Ministry for College-Age Ministries, State College Presbyterian Church, State College, Pennsylvania
  • Susan Rose Campus Minister, United Campus Ministry University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas




Chicago with UKirk

Thursday through Saturday I’ll be in Chicago for the first meeting of the UKirk fundraising Resource Team (Click here to learn more about UKirk Our goal is to develop practical, dynamic training tools to help campus ministers and ministries. Structures and systems are shifting and new skills are needed to meet the new realities. Few love raising money, but the reality is ministries need money to function. Our hope is to be a resource helping campus ministers and ministries move past fears and embrace fundraising as a building block of healthy ministry.

Here is a video that helps communicate the vision of UKirk: