Is it decision making time? I’d like to help.

When I began to consider pursuing professional ministry, seminary and potentially ordination, Jim was naturally the first person I turned to for guidance. After serving with and being taught by him for several years as a college student, I knew his wisdom and experience would be indispensable to me. He has not only helped me to determine the next steps in discerning my path and opened my eyes to new opportunities, but has encouraged me by pointing out strengths I didn’t know I had and reminding me that leadership comes in a variety of forms. He is unrivaled in his ability to guide and support individuals from all walks of life; I have hardly heard of anyone walking away from a chat with Jim over coffee without a renewed sense of their own worth and direction.


     Jenni Herold, Bellingham, WA


Helping with decision making, goal clarification and transitions are things I greatly enjoy. Please contact me if you are at a point of significant life choices. Making the best decision is always worth the extra time and effort.



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