Where are we now?

It’s November 1 and time for an update. This is an interesting new world for me. My adult life, and a fair bit before I became an adult, was marked by “jobs” where I worked for an identified organization. Here’s a link to a recent story I wrote for Catapult Magazine about my career shift http://www.catapultmagazine.com/outsider/article/lessons-for-a-season-as-an-outsider

I have had numerous meetings, built upon existing relationships and began new ones. I have some upcoming work with the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust and a few conferences where I’ll be leading workshops/seminars. Additionally, I have some connections that are currently “possible” and I am hoping and working to see them become “actual”.

I can find my self saying this is what I am to be doing at this stage. All my life and learning can help me in helping others. But, to be honest, there is the bit of wondering what am I doing?

Let me know if you are aware of people or organizations I can help. I’d appreciate the connection.

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